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News and Events

News and Events


Latest eNews

The latest eNews has been completed and can be viewed here.



Continual Professional Development Policy 

           The new Continual Professional Development Policy can be viewed HERE



Surveying SA Website​

The website has been going strong and offers a lot of further information about all the disciplines of surveying and its respective genres. It also highlights education pathways to becoming a surveyor with links to the degree course at Flinders University.


Visit the site here or go to










ISASA Board Meetings 2025


Thursday January 16                    Thursday July 17

Thursday February 20                  Thursday August 21
Thursday March 20                     Thursday September 18

Thursday April 17                       Thursday October 16
Thursday May 15                       Thursday November 20 
Thursday June 19                        Thursday December 4


Annual General Meeting - Wednesday September 17​​


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Standard operating procedures
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Standing Operating Procedures


The latest Surveyors Board SA Standing Operating Procedures 2024 as adopted can be located HERE


This document contains all matters and procedures for the efficient management of the  “Institution of Surveyors Australia, South Australia Division Inc.”  (ISASA).


For Procedures and Forms for Training, Licensing and Registration, Complaints, Ethics and Professional Practice, Mutual Recognition or Register of Surveyors please contact the REGISTRAR 




Mutual recognition
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Automatic Mutual Recognition


The Australian Government’s Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme is operational in South Australia for licensed or registered land surveyors.


To be eligible for Automatic Deemed Registration (ADR) under AMR as a licensed surveyor in South Australia, your home state or territory must be participating in AMR and you must hold an unconditional registration or licence in your home state or territory.  Queensland and New South Wales are not yet participating in AMR and AMR does not extend to New Zealand. The processes under the existing mutual recognition arrangements remain current for Queensland (until further notice) and New South Wales (until at least 1 January 2023). Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangements continue to apply to New Zealand.


Your home state is defined by your primary place of residence or work. When intending to work in South Australia, you must provide evidence of your substantive registration and home state.


Surveyors intending to work in South Australia under AMR must meet additional requirements to be eligible:

notification of the intention to work in SA as a licensed surveyor, and

evidence of meeting and maintaining professional indemnity insurance.


You are not eligible for AMR in SA if:

your home state licence is disqualified or suspended, or

you are subject to disciplinary, civil or criminal action or know you are under investigation, or

you have conditions placed on your home state licence as a result of disciplinary or court action.


Please use this FORM to notify the Surveyors Board of South Australia of your intention to work in SA under AMR.


The Surveyors Board of SA will review your notification, verify the details with your home state and confirm your deemed registration within 10 working days.


Automatic Deemed Registration (ADR) means you are taken to be registered to work as a licensed surveyor in SA.  You will not be issued with a SA licence, and you do not have to pay any fees.  You do not have to participate in professional development activities in SA and gain continuing professional development (CPD) points; compliance in the home state is the only requirement.


Maintaining Standards

If you meet the criteria and are deemed to be a licensed surveyor in SA under AMR you must comply with the laws and cadastral survey practices in SA. This FACTSHEET has been developed to assist.


Non-compliance with SA laws may lead to investigation and disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will result in the cancellation of your ADR and may also affect your home state registration or licence and future access to AMR.




The following resources are recognised by the Surveyors Board of South Australia.


Code of Practice


Government Gazette List of Surveyors


Continual Professional Development Policy 



Membership Organisations:

Consulting Surveyors SA (CSSA) 

Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA)


Student Resources





BAOQ - Overseas Qualifications

Bureau for Assessment of Overseas Qualifications


In Australia and New Zealand, people with overseas qualifications who apply for registration as candidates with an Australian (State or Territory) or New Zealand Board of Surveyors for the purpose of training and examination leading to registration or licensing as a Land Surveyor under jurisdictional legislation may have their application referred by a jurisdictional Board of Surveyors to the Bureau for Assessment of Overseas Qualifications.


The Bureau operates on behalf of the Council of Reciprocating Surveyors of Australia and New Zealand and provides an assessment service and advice to all jurisdictional Boards of Surveyors in Australia and New Zealand.


Click here for Application Advice Document


Click here for BAOQ Application Form


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