About Us
The Survey Act 1992 provides the legislation for the regulation of the surveying profession in South Australia. Its framework involves a sharing of the regulatory responsibilities between industry and government.
The Institution of Surveyors Australia, South Australia Division Inc (ISASA) (The Division) is the is statutory body responsible for controlling the training and conduct of licensed and registered surveyors in South Australia.
The Surveyors Board of South Australia is the Management Committee and performs the functions as prescribed under the Survey Act 1992.
The South Australian Government, through the Minister and the Surveyor-General, is responsible for the issuing, monitoring, and policing of survey practice standards.
View the complete Survey Act 1992 HERE
The Board
The Board consists of eight members and comprises the following office bearers:
3 Elected Licensed Surveyors (Members)
A person engaged in the teaching of surveying at an institution of tertiary education appointed by the Board
A person with legal, or other expertise, as determined by the Board, relevant to the profession of surveying
the Surveyor-General (ex-officio).
Tenure for Board membership is 2 years, with nominations for half of the Board members called every 12 months following the end of the financial year.
Board meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5.30pm in the Division Office: Level 4,
25 King William Street, Adelaide.